Lakshman Mulpuri, MD
Dr. Lakshman (Lucky) Mulpuri graduated from the University of Michigan and Wayne State University's School of Medicine. He has served as managing director for the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Auntie Na’s Village in Detroit, President of the Plant-Based Nutrition Group (PBNG), and is currently the Chief Executive of PlantsNourish. He has been intimately involved in policy initiatives spanning the local, state and federal levels particularly focused on communities of color. He also developed and implemented the first-ever mandatory plant-based medical curriculum for all 300 1st year medical students at Wayne State. Dr. Mulpuri's work has been featured in VegNews, Forks Over Knives, and numerous newspapers and television stations. As a community activist and a doctor, he is a strong proponent of the benefits whole-food plant-based nutrition has for the community and the patients he serves.